How do you use the ISNULL() and NULLIF() functions in SQL?
Posted by MaryJns
Last Updated: June 14, 2024
In SQL, ISNULL() and NULLIF() are two functions that are commonly used to handle NULL values, but they serve different purposes:
The ISNULL() function is used to replace NULL values with a specified replacement value. The syntax for ISNULL() is as follows:
ISNULL(expression, replacement_value)
- expression: This is the field or expression that you want to check for NULL. - replacement_value: This is the value that should be returned if the expression is NULL.
Suppose you have a table named Employees with a column Bonus that might contain NULL values. You want to select the Bonus values and replace NULLs with 0:
SELECT EmployeeID, ISNULL(Bonus, 0) AS Bonus
FROM Employees;
In this query, if Bonus is NULL for any employee, the output will show 0 instead.
The NULLIF() function compares two expressions and returns NULL if they are equal; otherwise, it returns the first expression. The syntax for NULLIF() is as follows:
NULLIF(expression1, expression2)
- expression1: The first expression that is evaluated. - expression2: The second expression to be compared with the first.
Imagine you have a Sales table with a Revenue column, and you need to avoid division by zero. You can use NULLIF() to return NULL instead of zero when calculating a ratio:
SELECT Revenue, Cost, 
       Revenue / NULLIF(Cost, 0) AS ProfitMargin
FROM Sales;
In this example, if Cost is zero, NULLIF(Cost, 0) returns NULL, which prevents division by zero and results in a NULL ProfitMargin.
- Use ISNULL() when you want to replace NULL values with a default or specified value. - Use NULLIF() when you want to prevent certain operations by returning NULL if two expressions evaluate to the same value. Both functions improve the robustness of SQL queries by managing NULL values effectively.