How do you stage changes for the next commit?
Posted by LeoRobs
Last Updated: July 24, 2024
To stage changes for the next commit in Git, you follow these steps: 1. Check the Status: First, you may want to see which files have been modified, added, or deleted. You can do this by running:
git status
2. Stage Changes: To stage changes, you'll use the git add command. You can stage specific files or all modified files. Here are a few examples: - Stage a specific file:
git add <filename>
- Stage all changes in the current directory:
git add .
- Stage all changes in the repository:
git add -A
3. Double-check the Staging Area: After staging your changes, you can run git status again to confirm that the files you intended to stage are now listed under "Changes to be committed". 4. Commit the Changes: Once you're satisfied with the staged changes, you can commit them with:
git commit -m "Your commit message here"
That's it! You've now staged and committed your changes in Git.