How do you create a scalar user-defined function (UDF)?
Posted by LeoRobs
Last Updated: June 23, 2024
Creating a scalar user-defined function (UDF) allows you to encapsulate a logic that returns a single value for each row processed. In SQL Server, for example, you can create a scalar UDF using T-SQL with the following steps:
Steps to Create a Scalar UDF in SQL Server
1. Define the Function: Use the CREATE FUNCTION statement to define the function. 2. Specify Parameters: Define the input parameters that the function will take. 3. Specify the Return Type: Define the data type of the value that the function will return. 4. Write the Function Logic: Enclose the logic inside the RETURN statement.
Here’s a simple example that creates a scalar UDF to calculate the square of a number.
SQL Syntax
    @InputNumber INT
    DECLARE @Result INT;
    SET @Result = @InputNumber * @InputNumber;
    RETURN @Result;
Explanation of the Example
- CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Square: This line defines the name of the function (Square) and its schema (dbo). - @InputNumber INT: This is the input parameter of type INT that the function accepts. - RETURNS INT: This indicates that the function will return an integer value. - BEGIN ... END: Encapsulates the logic of the function. - DECLARE @Result INT: Declares a local variable to hold the result. - SET @Result = @InputNumber * @InputNumber: Computes the square of the input number. - RETURN @Result: Returns the computed result back to the caller.
Using the Scalar UDF
Once the function is created, you can use it in your SQL queries like this:
SELECT dbo.Square(5) AS SquaredValue;
Additional Notes
- Scalar UDFs can impact performance, especially if called in a large dataset or as part of a set operation. Use them judiciously. - Ensure that logical operations within the UDF are well-optimized for better performance. - Scalar UDFs cannot modify the database state, meaning they cannot perform INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operations. You can apply this general structure to create scalar UDFs in other databases, but syntax may vary slightly between them. Always refer to the specific database documentation (such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc.) for detailed syntax related to UDFs.