How do you use the TRY...CATCH block to handle errors in SQL Server transactions?
Posted by KarenKg
Last Updated: July 02, 2024
In SQL Server, the TRY...CATCH construct can be used to handle errors in transactions. This allows you to define a block of code to attempt (within TRY) and a block to handle errors (within CATCH) gracefully. You can ensure that your transactions are managed properly and that any errors are logged or handled in a way that prevents the application from crashing or behaving unexpectedly. Here's a basic example of how to use a TRY...CATCH block with transactions in SQL Server:
    -- Start a transaction

    -- Your SQL statements here
    INSERT INTO YourTable (Column1, Column2)
    VALUES ('Value1', 'Value2');

    -- Commit the transaction if all statements succeed
    -- Rollback the transaction if an error occurred
    IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0

    -- Optionally, you can log the error or take other action
    DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000);
    DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT;
    DECLARE @ErrorState INT;

    SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(),
           @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(),
           @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE();

    -- For example, you might want to insert the error details into a log table
    INSERT INTO ErrorLog (ErrorMessage, ErrorSeverity, ErrorState, ErrorTime)
    VALUES (@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState, GETDATE());

    -- Optionally, you can re-raise the error
    -- THROW; -- Uncomment this line if you want to propagate the error

Explanation of Steps:
1. BEGIN TRY: Starts the TRY block where you can place the SQL statements that you want to execute. 2. BEGIN TRANSACTION: Initiates a transaction. This means that all changes made during this transaction can be committed together or rolled back if an error occurs. 3. SQL Statements: Here you perform your data manipulation statements like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. 4. COMMIT TRANSACTION: If everything in the TRY block is executed successfully, you commit the transaction, making all changes permanent. 5. BEGIN CATCH: Starts the CATCH block that handles any errors that occur in the TRY block. 6. ROLLBACK TRANSACTION: If any error occurs (and if there is an active transaction), it rolls back all changes made during that transaction. 7. Error Handling: You can retrieve error details using functions like ERROR_MESSAGE(), ERROR_SEVERITY(), and ERROR_STATE(). You can log these details to an error log table or take other appropriate actions. 8. Optional Rethrow: You can choose to re-throw the error using the THROW statement, which allows the error to bubble up to a higher level if you have other layers that handle it. Using this structured approach, you can ensure that your transactions are safe, and you handle errors effectively without leaving the database in an inconsistent state.