How can you display the list of commits that are reachable from the current commit but exclude commits that are reachable from another specified commit?
Posted by KarenKg
Last Updated: July 15, 2024
To display the list of commits that are reachable from the current commit but exclude commits that are reachable from another specified commit, you can use the git log command in combination with the .. (double dot) syntax to achieve this. The general command structure looks like this:
git log <commit1> ^<commit2>
Here's how you can apply it to your specific case: 1. Get your current commit hash (you can use HEAD to reference the current commit). 2. Specify the commit you want to exclude. For example, if you want to see commits reachable from the current commit (HEAD), but not from a specific commit (let's call it commit_to_exclude), you would run:
git log HEAD ^commit_to_exclude
Alternatively, you can use the --not option for clarity:
git log HEAD --not commit_to_exclude
- HEAD: refers to the current commit. - ^commit_to_exclude: this means "exclude all commits reachable from commit_to_exclude". - --not commit_to_exclude: a more explicit way to specify exclusion.
If you are excluding a commit with the hash abc1234, your command would look like this:
git log HEAD ^abc1234
Or using the --not option:
git log HEAD --not abc1234
You can also use additional options with git log to format the output according to your needs, such as: - --oneline: to get a simplified, one-line-per-commit output. - --graph: to visualize the commit history graphically. For example:
git log --oneline HEAD --not abc1234
This way, you can effectively see the list of commits that are relevant to your current context while excluding the unwanted ones.
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