Programming 1: Examination Analyzer
Posted by JanWan
Last Updated: August 29, 2012
Northern Caribbean University
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
CPTR151 – Programming I

Instructions: Using C++, write the solution for the problem below, save the file as maybe.cpp. Your code MUST be properly commented.
The Maybe High School offers a course that prepares students for tertiary level education. Last year, several students who completed the course matriculated to a tertiary level institution of their choice. Naturally, the college wants to know how well its students did on the exam. You have been asked to write a program to summarize the results.
Your program should:
1. Prompt the user to enter the names and final grades of 10 students. Note: A final grade greater than or equal to 75 is considered a pass otherwise, fail.
2. Count the number of passes and failures
3. Display a summary of the test results indicating the number of students who passed and the number of students who failed.
4. If more than 6 students passed the exam, print the message “Raise the Tuition”, otherwise, “Evaluate Teachers.”
5. The user should be given the opportunity to run the program until X is entered to terminate. The screen should be cleared on each run of the program.

MayBe High School
Examination Analyzer
Enter Name:
Enter Final Grade:

MayBe High School
Examination Analyzer
Number of Passes: 00
Number of Failure: 00

MayBe High School
Examination Analyzer
Number of Passes: 00
Number of Failure: 00
Press Y to continue and X to terminate
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