To display the commit message and changes introduced by a commit identified by a range of commits in Git, you can use the following command formats:
1. Using git log: This command lets you see commit messages and the changes introduced by commits within a specified range.
git log <start_commit>..<end_commit> --patch
- <start_commit>: The first commit in your range.
- <end_commit>: The last commit in your range.
- --patch or -p: This flag shows the actual changes made in each commit (the diff).
For example:
git log abc123..def456 --patch
This will show you all commits from abc123 to def456, along with the changes made in each commit.
2. Using git diff: If you want to see just the changes between two commits without the commit messages, you can use:
git diff <start_commit>..<end_commit>
This command will show you the differences introduced in the commits between the specified range.
For example:
git diff abc123..def456
3. Getting specific commit information: If you specifically want the message and changes of a single commit within a range, you can do:
git show <commit_hash>
This displays the commit message along with the changes introduced by that specific commit.
In summary, for an overview that includes commit messages and changes, git log <start_commit>..<end_commit> --patch is typically the most useful command. For specific details about a single commit, use git show <commit_hash>.