How can you show the contents of a specific commit?
Posted by HenryPk
Last Updated: July 05, 2024
To show the contents of a specific commit in Git, you can use the git show command followed by the commit hash. Here's how to do it: 1. Find the Commit Hash: You may need to list the commits to find the specific hash you're interested in. You can do this using:
git log
This will display a list of commits along with their hashes. 2. Show the Commit Contents: Once you have the commit hash (let's say it's abc1234), you can view the contents of that commit by running:
git show abc1234
This will display the commit message, the author, the date, and the changes that were made in that commit (the diff output). 3. View Specific Files: If you want to see the contents of specific files as they were in that commit, you can use:
git show abc1234:path/to/file
Replace path/to/file with the actual path to the file you are interested in. 4. Output Options: If the output is too long, you can pipe it to less or use options to control the output:
git show abc1234 | less
By following these steps, you can effectively view the content and details of any specific commit in your Git repository.