How do you use the SQL_VARIANT data type to store values of different data types in a single column?
Posted by GraceDv
Last Updated: June 08, 2024
The SQL_VARIANT data type in SQL Server is designed to store values of various SQL Server-supported data types in a single column. This is especially useful when you want to store heterogeneous data types in a single column, while still being able to use that column in queries.
Here’s how to use the SQL_VARIANT data type:
1. Defining a Column as SQL_VARIANT: When creating or altering a table, you can define a column as SQL_VARIANT. For example:
CREATE TABLE ExampleTable (
       VarValue SQL_VARIANT
2. Inserting Data: You can insert various types of data into the SQL_VARIANT column. SQL Server can automatically handle type conversion, allowing you to store integers, strings, floats, or even other SQL types like DATETIME, DECIMAL, etc.
INSERT INTO ExampleTable (ID, VarValue) VALUES (1, 123);                 -- Integer
   INSERT INTO ExampleTable (ID, VarValue) VALUES (2, 'Hello, World!');   -- String
   INSERT INTO ExampleTable (ID, VarValue) VALUES (3, 45.67);              -- Float
   INSERT INTO ExampleTable (ID, VarValue) VALUES (4, GETDATE());         -- DateTime
3. Querying Data: When querying the SQL_VARIANT column, you might want to use cast or convert functions if you need to perform calculations or comparisons based on the data type.
SELECT ID, VarValue FROM ExampleTable;

   -- Example of filtering based on data type
   SELECT ID, VarValue 
   FROM ExampleTable
   WHERE CAST(VarValue AS INT) > 100; -- Only works if the value is indeed an integer
4. Handling Data Types: To determine the data type stored in a SQL_VARIANT, you can use the SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY function:
          SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(VarValue, 'BaseType') AS DataType, 
          SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(VarValue, 'Precision') AS Precision,
          SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(VarValue, 'Scale') AS Scale
   FROM ExampleTable;
Important Considerations:
- Performance: Be cautious of using SQL_VARIANT for performance-critical applications. It might affect query performance compared to using specific data types. - Limitations: While SQL_VARIANT can store multiple data types, it has limitations in terms of what types can be stored (e.g., you cannot store a TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE). - Data Loss: When casting or converting between data types, especially from SQL_VARIANT, be mindful of potential data truncation or loss of precision. - User Defined Data Types: If the need arises for more complex values that SQL_VARIANT cannot accommodate, consider using a structured approach like JSON or XML storage.