How do you use the DROP LOGIN statement to delete a SQL Server login?
Posted by EveClark
Last Updated: July 15, 2024
In SQL Server, the DROP LOGIN statement is used to delete a login from the SQL Server instance. Here’s how to use it:
Basic Syntax:
DROP LOGIN [login_name];
- login_name: The name of the login that you want to remove. This should be specified within square brackets if it contains special characters or is case-sensitive.
Important Considerations:
1. Permissions: To execute the DROP LOGIN statement, you must be a member of the securityadmin fixed server role, or you must own the login. 2. Dependencies: Ensure that any database users associated with the login are either removed or reassigned, as trying to drop a login that is in use may result in errors. 3. Check for Dependencies: You may want to check if the login has been granted any permissions or has any associated database users before dropping it.
Example Usage:
Here is an example of how to drop a login named exampleUser:
DROP LOGIN exampleUser;
Deleting a Login with a Conditional Check (Optional):
Before dropping a login, you can check if it exists to avoid errors. You can achieve this by using a conditional block:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE name = 'exampleUser' AND type = 'S')
    DROP LOGIN exampleUser;
The DROP LOGIN statement is a straightforward way to remove a SQL Server login, but it’s essential to ensure that you are dropping the correct login and that there are no existing dependencies that might cause issues. Always consider reviewing your security and user setup before dropping logins.