How do you use the DROP ASSEMBLY statement to delete an assembly?
Posted by AliceWk
Last Updated: July 08, 2024
In SQL Server, the DROP ASSEMBLY statement is used to remove an assembly from the database. An assembly in SQL Server is a .NET Framework component that can contain one or more managed code entities, such as classes and methods, which can be called from T-SQL. To use the DROP ASSEMBLY statement, you need to follow these basic steps: 1. Check for dependencies: Before dropping an assembly, ensure that there are no dependencies on it. For example, if there are stored procedures or functions that reference the assembly, you will first need to drop or modify those objects. 2. Use the DROP ASSEMBLY syntax: The basic syntax for dropping an assembly is as follows:
DROP ASSEMBLY [schema_name.]assembly_name;
- schema_name: This is optional. It specifies the schema in which the assembly resides. If omitted, the default schema is used. - assembly_name: This is the name of the assembly you want to drop.
Here's a simple example of how to use the DROP ASSEMBLY statement to drop an assembly named MyAssembly:
If the assembly resides in a specific schema, for example, dbo, you would specify it like this:
DROP ASSEMBLY dbo.MyAssembly;
Important Notes
- Permissions: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to drop the assembly. Typically, you need to have the ALTER permission on the assembly or CONTROL permission on the schema. - Cascading effects: Be aware that dropping an assembly can affect any objects that depend on it, which may fail afterward if they are still trying to reference the dropped assembly. - Error handling: If you attempt to drop an assembly that does not exist, SQL Server will raise an error. You might want to check for existence before attempting the drop:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies WHERE name = 'MyAssembly')
       DROP ASSEMBLY MyAssembly;
By following these guidelines, you can effectively use the DROP ASSEMBLY statement to manage assemblies in your SQL Server database.