How can you remove the leading and trailing spaces from a string in Python?
Posted by AliceWk
Last Updated: August 19, 2024
In Python, removing leading and trailing spaces from a string can be accomplished using the strip() method. This method eliminates all types of whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines) from both ends of the string.
Usage of strip()
Here’s a simple example demonstrating how to use the strip() method:
# Original string with leading and trailing spaces
original_string = "   Hello, World!   "

# Removing leading and trailing spaces
cleaned_string = original_string.strip()

print(f"Original String: '{original_string}'")
print(f"Cleaned String: '{cleaned_string}'")
Original String: '   Hello, World!   '
Cleaned String: 'Hello, World!'
Other Related Methods
There are also other related methods for more specific use cases: - lstrip(): This method removes whitespace (or specified characters) from the left end of the string.
left_cleaned_string = original_string.lstrip()
- rstrip(): This method removes whitespace (or specified characters) from the right end of the string.
right_cleaned_string = original_string.rstrip()
Example of lstrip() and rstrip()
# Removing spaces from the left side
left_cleaned = original_string.lstrip()  # 'Hello, World!   '

# Removing spaces from the right side
right_cleaned = original_string.rstrip()  # '   Hello, World!'
- Use strip() for removing spaces from both ends of the string. - Use lstrip() for removing spaces from the left side. - Use rstrip() for removing spaces from the right side. These methods provide a straightforward and efficient way to clean up strings in Python, ensuring that any unnecessary whitespace is removed before processing or displaying the data.